Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On July 4th, I decided to sleep in a little bit. When I got up, Ryan was in his room playing with his "B" (pacifier) in his mouth. I had been prepping him for a couple of weeks that it was almost time to throw them away and that he didn't need them anymore. He had been really good about using it mostly just for bedtime and naptime. When I saw it in his mouth, I got annoyed and said "Oh, is it no more B day?" He jumped up from playing, gathered up the 3 that were in his room, walked over to the trash and threw them in. He then said that he needed to go get Memere's. We went to Memere's where he found all of their B's and walked to the trash and threw them away. We then went back home to his naptime cup and he dumped those into the trash. I wasn't sure what was going on and if this was going to be for real so I went behind him and pulled a couple back out and washed them and then hid them. That day when it was nap time, he asked for his B and I reminded him that he threw them away and it was a no more B day. That was the end of it. At bedtime, he again nonchalanty asked for his B and I reminded him where they were. Last week was really rough. He didn't ask for them but I hadn't realized what a crutch they had been for him to wind down when he was upset and for bedtime. When he would be upset, he would take a break on the couch with one. I had no idea it would affect him they way it did. We spent the week with a little tazmanian devil who was lost. We tried to teach him that when you need some time to calm down, you just go sit down someplace quiet and take a couple of minutes to yourself. This seems to have made a world of difference. This week he is only 1/2 a tazmanian devil.

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