Monday, February 9, 2009

So proud... yet so sad

February 7th, 2009 was Ryan's 1st Karate Tournament. He did GREAT. He wasn't shy at all and did everything asked of him. He was just so cute. His friend Evan was in the same ring as he was so it made it a little more special. He got a huge trophy for participating. He carried it around all day. Even into the bathroom :). Jimmie did great also for his 1st time. Jimmie took 1st in forms and 3rd in One Steps, so 2 trophies for him It was a really great day. Just long. Ryan competed at 9:30 and Jimmie didn't compete until 2:30. At noon, Ryan told Jimmie that we could jsut go home because Jimmie wasn't really ready to compete and wouldn't do well. Great support system. We stayed the night before and got to do a lot of swimming. It was Ryan's first time to actually swim on his own. He had a swim suit float thing on and just went to town. He definately has developed so much more confidence in himself. It is so amazing to see. I am more and more proud of him everyday. I am so glad he is enjoying Karate because it is such a good thing for him.

Okay, now the sad part. I video taped the whole thing. I was so excited to go home an watch it. Mom and Dad came over and we loaded it onto the TV. Yep, you guessed it, nothing! When I thought I was recording, I wasn't and when I thought I wasn't, I was. I am beyond mad at myself for this. It was his only 1st competition. They have another competition in April. I will try to do better next time :(.

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