Friday, November 14, 2008

Dentist anyone?

Yesterday was our first official trip to the Dentist. We went about 3 months ago just so he could sit in the chair and she could count his teeth. He really didn't want to let her anywhere near him so that's all we did.

I have been talking this up for about a week. I let him know exactly what was going to happen and how much fun it would be and how easy it was. He definitely does much better in new situations if he knows exactly what to expect. He did GREAT! He did everything asked of him. She polished his teeth and flossed them. His teeth are in great shape. He is doing a super job brushing and the spacing is perfect right now. Hopefully we can keep it up and avoid any issues for as long as we can.

Pre-school is going great. He loves it. He has made so many new friends. I need to hook up with a couple of moms to set up play dates. He keeps asking me about it. I'm not too sure about French though. I think he already knows more words than I can remember :).

We go to Locomotion every Saturday morning. What a difference the summer made. He is so much more independent now. He really enjoys working with Bill and playing in the wonderful obstacle courses he makes.

We went to our first Karate tournament on Saturday. We went just to support the kids from our school and to show Ryan what it is all about. He left there talking about how he wants to compete next time. We had a great time. All of the kids did great and thought it was awesome that Ryan was there cheering them on the whole time. He has kind of become like Norm from Cheers to everyone. He is always the first one everyone talks to and they all flock to him. It is really funny to watch. He is doing great and may even test for his next belt in December. I don't think he's ready to move up but the experience of testing will only help him later. Jimmie is testing for his next belt too so it's kind of a little competition at the house. Of course, Ryan is an orange belt right now while his dad is still a white. Sorry Jimmie :). Good luck to the both of you.

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